Facility: KCK Police Headquarters, Kansas City, KS
Electrical Contractor: Self-Installed
The Results:
We saved 84% in wattage by replacing 96 Mercury Vapor fixtures at 175w each with 16 Seward High Bays at 150w each.
We increased light from under 10 footcandles to over 75 footcandles.
The facility went from providing maintenance for 96 HID fixtures to having a maintenance-free warranty for 10 years.
The new lighting is much more aesthetically pleasing.

The original lighting consisted of old Mercury Vapor fixtures, which were very dim and emitted an unattractive green color. The facility wanted to repurpose the space from an open area to a museum. As a result, much more light was needed–in a brighter, more pleasing color–to highlight the exhibits.
We replaced the Mercury Vapor lights with 150w LED Seward Series UFO High Bays. We vastly decreased the number of fixtures and wattage while exponentially increasing the light output. Also, these fixtures have a 10-year warranty, so there will be no maintenance costs for 10 years.
Why we chose this solution:
We chose the Seward Series UFO High Bays because we needed a high bay fixture due to the mounting heights and lighted area. We chose the Seward over our other high bays because of its optics. These particular optics concentrate light to a specific point better than most high bays, making them perfect for focusing directly on the artifacts and exhibits in the museum.
The Impact:
The conversion to LED lighting resulted in brighter work spaces, safer areas, and large energy savings.
“I’ve dealt with a hundred lighting reps who all do the same thing. I had asked Scott to put together a package for me to repurpose an open area to a museum, and he told me he would get me adequate light levels. I said it again to make sure because I wasn’t looking for adequate, I was looking for a lot more light. I didn’t think he was hearing me. I was wrong. I had no idea how much better the lighting was going to be. I mean it completely transformed the area. The guys at LED Direct are different, trust me.”
Dale Bruscher, KCK Police Headquarters